The Image of All Matter

Alchemical Methodology in the Photograms of Danielle Goshay

The following text originally appears in Peripheral Review
Listen to the author’s reading on Substack.

It’s the body who has moved
the direction of light to wave
a chemistry of fog lingers
lost among clouds
the way a pulse echoes
a pulse echoes
a pulse echoes onto the page

I find:

a place to react
a primary desire
a name that melts away

I — what’s left?

Vague terrain on which waves of mist and eyes collect
as if object did not but was

long for form, an approach
away, all notions slip

Left for I, blood pools
betrayed by light
carved into night’s eaves

wake between the distance
image and dream

Promised — the only participle
scattered on the floor

In the dark, red light
kept but not keeping — I know you

Can you discern thought’s shadow sinking into the night?

The moon — how it waves
or was said to have waved
measuring the magnitude of the seas
coursing through our veins

Everywhere inside turns out
when foam unbreaks
drifting away from:
the eternal thing that makes
that does not unless it were

To go aways
off shore, yet always within your reach

To go to bed with the stars
each beat, each rain
of photons

you choose one and enter
to catch a feeling

Say it now together:

I, You, Here
Me, You, And
Mine, Yours, Now

A legacy of two seconds
yet so full
and marked for life

It’s the rain that finds and cracks
fissures the exhaust of hand for doing
more than hand should ever do

Collecting every drop on the page
amending each molecule
making holes
scratching the surface

So far into an abyss, yet real force lasts
as atom memory

You’ve given me a window into sky, yet still I return to verse

In the beginning: clouds of dust
and gravity transformed
flashes of light
illuminated dark clouds
at the edge of the storm
we couldn’t see a thing

In its eye
what lies there, save for rods and cones and forgotten things?

Of course, image is an urge
preceding dust
evading as leaks, a capture
an echo, you recall the face pressed in pulp

Gelatin skeletons and silver remains
gaseous pools and bloody mud
ooze and drift

With effort exposed as waves
buried into the page beneath an early urge to remain
if not only to leave a trace

What do you see when waking?

River currents fading
memory floating into twilight
the one thing we made together
and called ours

Light splashes and leaves its mark

Memory lingers — remembering disrupts

Beauty for sight, but not to see

Present cracks into exalted strokes
as for the heavy dawn light, I accept anything
shatters under pressure:
as all matter does and did and will do

Heat etches stars into the sky as dust
strikes stone for wind

We believe in
generative entropy and ribbons of shadow
strung high

For us to believe everything
falls apart
is to say

Look how lovely the days are as they lay smoldered
dead and dying!

Day is hot to touch
feverish day, the sinking stars
smell of chemistry wafts
like invisible electric current

Who could carve such a hole
to sink into and float away
without a necessary edge?

When did I leave the place at which you had already arrived?

Rays of light beam through smoke
dust billows
come to harvest our air

Breath heavy, respiration hot
carving out a life high
between the cracks

Unity of opposites:

the subtle flesh of encounter
fertile in the foggy water
  describes the sun as you accept its shadow

We enter a vortex of ashes
light leaks into
no colour spills out
only evading — a momentary memory

To accept the shadow, you defy reason
excepting divine
dis - associations
re - figuring expectations

I look down to describe the Moon

You use a mirror to pull me in
to fissure my own image

The sun’s shadow I see alone

No image ever really was

Were those even stars in our sky?

There, a message
cast above the clouds
until a trace emerged
the mark was left

There, a seed of coalition —
egg and child of the egg
spirit and matter of the spirit
— born to reflect, never withholding

Together we name the shadow
solaris lunaris infantis unum
and we become nothing without it

An egg drops from the sky
you find it cracked
the child is only a consequence
matter doubles
this remains

You go out and propose to the melting, molten terrain,
is the one way to desire!

To the knot inside, I attend
and offer my unfettered farewell

To desire, we go quickly and without word
what a kindness to meet the shadow and melt away

Fractures indicate a single body
corpus rebis
pierced but never penetrated

Let’s feign to speak each other
syllables on copper tongues
reference the constraint —
child and its consequence
— and fall into another orbit
a womb with sky view and word
tied to a single body
emerging from the ground

The fluid
seeming of
worlds at scale
at each level bonds join and fall
each movement with which I can speak a name
save my breath for distance

Does it matter if I say this or refuse?

Under the weight of the sky
we’re pulled by the same force — so we loosen
so we try

There is no
re - lenting
re - telling fails under pressure
dis - solves each part
re - mains


islands float
off course

We learn how to see

Our interest is depth

Factors of illusion and creation deceive

Our deception is wide

Any distance goes
as scenes smolder
as a form of waiting:
texture of melting noise
burst of light
on black cloud

Our interest is depth
so we dive
in the distance between surface
and core
we’re pulled back
pulled into
pulled over
pulled down
pulled under
dreaming the ways
slipping into and out
the only pronoun for us
we are overcome

in the way things undo

Science of the spirit
everything before
the rough depth

Take my dark
assemble it
let it crash
under the weight of light if it must

I will succumb

I will gladly shatter
myself into the image of all matter

The images featured in this text are the creations of photographer Danielle Goshay. Experimenting with material and process, Goshay applies fire, smoke, granules, resists, and liquids of various viscosities to photo paper in a darkroom environment. Goshay’s photograms, as a practice of cameraless photography, achieve infinite levels of abstraction that at once mesmerize and confound. The artist’s fascination with alchemy lives through this image-making process, which is as intensely methodical as it is aleatory and spiritual. By writing poetry alongside Goshay’s evolving body of work, I respond to these photograms in their native language — abstraction, imagism, and symbology.

Text: Darian Razdar —

Images: Danielle Goshay —